With music, one’s whole future life is brightened. This is such a treasure in life that it helps us over many troubles and difficulties. Music is nourishment, a comforting elixir. Music multiplies all that is beautiful and of value in life.
Zoltan Kodaly
Music Intent Statement
At St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, music is an intrinsic part of our curriculum, enhancing our spiritual life and encouraging participation, enjoyment and self-expression for every pupil. Music is taught through a combination of dedicated lessons by visiting specialists and class teachers. Our lessons explore and promote understanding of musical traditions throughout time and space, thereby embracing a culture of respect for and awareness of a variety of musical forms. We teach pupils descriptive language skills in music lessons, allowing them to empathise and identify compassionately with different feelings and emotions.
Seasonal and liturgical celebrations allow every child in the school to participate and celebrate through a performance in each academic year. Through participation in Diocesan and parish events, pupils co-operate and persevere collectively as a choir and develop the skill of performing with confidence and purpose. St Vincent’s pupils have opportunities to engage with extra-curricular music teaching through the Rocksteady band programme, which inspires children to develop their musicianship. Through their experiences at St Vincent’s, we intend that our pupils begin a lifelong appreciation of music and the opportunities it offers them to become culturally engaged and expressive citizens of our world.