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  • Friday 5 July 2024 Voting at St. Vincent's
  • Friday 24 May 2024 Crowning of Our Lady
  • Friday 26 April 2024 Earth Day On Monday, the whole school celebrated Earth Day by dressing up in green and blue. The classes took part in a variety of activities that helped the pupils to gain a better idea of how to care for our planet.
  • Thursday 21 March 2024 Music Festival Y5 took part in the Music Festival at Valence Primary School on Thursday 21st March alongside 5 other schools within the borough. All the schools performed two pre-selected songs to sing as a whole group, which was quite moving and powerful. Each school had to choose another two songs to present at the festival. Y5 chose to sing Here I am to worship and I can see clearly now. The organisers of the event were extremely impressed with our song choices and all the adults were singing along with us.
  • Friday 15 March 2024 Y5 Class Assembly Year 5 shared their learning about the topic of refugees in their class assembly. We have been busy taking part in the shared endeavour project funded by the Mayor of London behalf of The Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) since the beginning of the spring term. We began by reading the book Boy, Everywhere which is about a boy, Sami, who had to leave Syria due to political unrest and war. He was a boy just like us, enjoying all the things we have and do and it was all gone in the blink of an eye when he had to leave his home and became a refugee. We created posters to share the message with everyone and wrote poems, inspired by the one we learnt by Brian Bilston entitled Refugees.
  • Thursday 7 March 2024 Y5 Visit to St Thomas's Church One of the units of RE work in Y5 discusses how as Christians, we are all unified under God no matter how we practise our faith. In one of our lessons, we were looking at several other Christian faiths and we went to St Thomas’s Church of England to try to find out the differences and similarities in our worship. Reverend Gemma was extremely welcoming and was able to make it clear that although we celebrate our faith in slightly different ways, we all have Christ at the centre.
  • Tuesday 5 March 2024 Y5 Eastbury Manor House As part of our History topic on the Tudors, Y5 went on a trip to our own local Tudor home, Eastbury Manor House. We were greeted by the educational facilitators who were dressed in period clothing and explained how the house would have been run in those days. We learnt Tudor greetings, what jobs were available to young people of our age, what foods were available at the time, we learnt and performed a Tudor dance called ‘Pas de cheval; and two of the students were lucky enough to dress up in traditional clothing.
  • Thursday 15 February 2024 Safer Internet Day Year 2 learned about Mo and Jaz and what happens with the autoplay function on YouTube and how you do not know what you will watch next.
  • Tuesday 30 January 2024 Year 4 Trip
  • Friday 26 January 2024 Y5 Ancient Egypt Year 5 had been busy learning about the Ancient Egyptians in the Autumn term. We looked at many different aspects of their lives and found out lots of interesting facts. The children practised writing in hieroglyphs and wrote their names in a cartouche, wrote prayers in hieroglyphs in their class version of the Book of the Dead, they made necklaces and painted them in bright colours to imitate gem stones, they used plasticine to create amulets to ward off ill wishes and finally wrapped up their own mummy using their knowledge of the mummification process. Everyone had a fantastic time learning about this period of history.

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