Religious Education
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless.
Mother Teresa
RE Intent Statement
At St Vincent’s, RE and our core values of Inspiration, Respect, Cooperation, Compassion and Perseverance embraces all our children’s lives and the life of the school. The RE lessons are faith filled and enjoyable and provide opportunities for our children to explore and enhance their Christian community.
At St Vincent’s, the RE curriculum is central to the whole school curriculum and underpins all of our teaching. It is a core subject and we follow the ‘Come and See’ RE scheme of work. Within our RE programme, the aspects of other faiths are taught and there is timetabled collective worship-assemblies, hymn practices, liturgies, class Masses, reconciliation services. We work collaboratively with the parish of St Vincent’s in the preparation of the children for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and welcome visits of the parish priest and his involvement in the life of the school.
It is our duty to see our school’s mission and vision embedded across the RE curriculum and the whole wider curriculum.
Please click on the link below download the latest Wednesday Word.We Welcome, We Love, We Learn, We Grow - Together with Jesus.
St Vincent's Mission Statement